\\\ Triggered Swell ///
Designed/Built 10/06
(c) 2006 JC Maillet
Effects Loop Option
This is a low-distortion optically coupled Swell (volume) circuit that is foot controlled and comes with a parallel effects loop option ... it has the ability to swell the main signal and/or the signal coming back from the effects loop ... an effect (or chain) can be swelled in and mixed with the direct signal, or both can be swelled together ... one of my targetted applications is for use with a booster/filter and loud amp combination where it can be used to slowly tip things into sustained feedback and held there as long as the footswitch is ... it also does nice reverse tape effects and other morse-code type repeats that a self-triggered unit won't do ...
CONTROLS : "on" rise-time, "off" fall-time, gain/vol, mix ... TOGGLE SWITCHES : direct swell on/off, three-way speed range ...