Garnet Amplifiers
Thunderous rarities from Winnipeg
* dedicated to Gar Gillies *

photo by Russ Emmerson
Hand Made in the by Gar Gillies and family in
Winnipeg Manitoba mostly during the 60's and 70's, Garnet amplifiers are well
regarded by players who come across them - according to Gar around 40,000 Garnet
amps were made ...
engineers will tell you that Garnet amps are very handy tone boxes in
the studio, musicians will tell you they kick butt on stage !

Gar "Garnet" Gillies
Gar was a hero and mentor to many of us guitar nuts
Thank-you Gar !!

I'm the lucky owner of several Garnet amps: a BTO , a Sessionman
- both early models, and a Herzog ... (!)
Under the hood of Garnet amplifiers you might find Cathodyne
or Transformer based Phase-Inverters, unique Preamp and Tone control circuits,
the use of atypical tubes in key parts of the amp, higher than usual
turn-ratios in tandem with starved output transformers for richer harmonics and
a crunchier breakup, old school
bias-modulating Tremolo circuits, ... and more
... from a
design point of view Garnet amps are off the beaten track, and they sure sound
like it
The Garnet "BTO"
Big Time Operator
This amp is a monster, few other amp comes close IMO - maybe a
well modded JCM800 ... The BTO puts out 118 watts RMS of clean-ish
power, but it's not just loud - the tone that comes out is amazing. It's
beautiful. Gar told me the Stinger circuit was really designed for bass,
and in
the BTO the Stinger fuzz works really well with the natural distortion of the amp,
combining to form a dangerous sound. According to Gar around 125 of these amps were made ...

Early BTO's had 6SN7 dual triodes for phase driver - killer !

B+ /// 530 volts - killer !!
The Garnet "Session Man"

photo by D. Brand

The Garnet Herzog

The first version of the Herzog was based on this
basic idea but taken to new heights through a special design
collaboration, it is known as "Randy Bachman's Herzog" ... made by Gar
Gillies to Randy's specs ...
Later, a slightly altered model came out
as the "H-zog" which incorporated remote-relay switching (a very silent
switching method) incorporating true bypass and some filtering options
... that's the one I have ...
The H-zog circuit is inspired by the Tweed Fender
Champ except the H-zog is tweaked for much higher preamp gain, greater
signal coupling between stages and hot bias levels for output 6v6 tube
- it is full out in every way possible ... except the noise, I still
marvel at Gar's design, that it can produce so much gain and distortion
at full blast but seemingly shuts off (or gates) when there's no input
signal present - a real marvel in tube audio design IMO ... it can
safely drive a bigger amplifier, PA or recording console even when the
unit is self-overdriving like nuts ... it can also be plugged into a
speaker cab standalone to produce a strong 4~6watts of unique class-A
tone ...
photo by Todd Eccreate
The Herzog/H-zog has several uses that I can think of
... (i) It was designed as a fuzz-preamp to go into a louder amp and is
bypass-able as an effect pedal ... it can be used to warm up any kind
of amp when using it at low gain and moderate volume settings or it can
be used as a blasting fuzz/overdrive device at high gain and
low-to-moderate volume settings to produce the famous American Woman
tone - it's sort of a one trick pony in this department, but a great
trick no doubt with four distingishable dynamic range zones at the
touch of your picking ... (ii) it can be used the same way in DI
recording as well, more interactive with an tube reel-to-reel deck ...
(iii) it can be used as a head to drive a speaker cab - even though the
single-ended circuit puts out about 4~6watts max at full clipping ...
that amount of power can still produce a fairly loud sound through a
4x12 cab - the sound is very angry and unique, lots of potential for
recording again here ... if I'm not mistaken the Herzog (along with the
Gnome and Banshee) can also operate on a 6L6 tube for more output power
- though I haven't tried that on mine yet ... (iv) my latest and
favorite use for the Herzog is as a Talk Box driver - I took the horn
that buddy stuck in the little Red tolex Garnet story above and hooked
a clear plastic tube onto it, plugged the horn into the Herzog speaker
output ... awesome !
Garnet Photo Gallery

Garnet-made "Stencil Viscount"
"... 4x10 is a rev III Garnet. Gar says there are less than 50 of them (III Quad) ... "
Garnet BTO - later downside panel
Garnet SessionMan Combo with Garnet Les-Paul copy
Garnet Gnome ... single-ended 6L6 amp, same Output Tranny as Benshee and H-zog
photo source : Doug Macaulay

SessionMan P.A. with high senesitivity inputs - amazing dirt for guitar !!
Garnet Deputy MkII's

Garnet Enforcer II Prototype

Garnet Tripper Vocal PA

photo by R. Latraverse
Garnet Banshee

Tube Rectified Garnet S-90
more Garnet Amplifier pics ...
jc ->